5 Benefits of Using Aromatherapy Candles for Health

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Since thousands of years ago, the benefits of candles have developed a lot, from what was initially only used as a source of lighting. Now it is widely used as room decoration and aromatherapy.

Well, according to the statements of many experts, smelling aromatherapy candles can stimulate various brain wave activities that work and have an essential function on psychological effects, you know, for example, by bringing a happy mood, relieving stress and anxiety disorders, and creating feelings of relaxation in the body and mind.

But that's not all. Here are some other beneficial benefits of using aromatherapy candles that can positively impact your health.

1. Creating a Good Atmosphere

Aromatherapy candles can make the atmosphere feel better with a calming aroma to increase the mood to be happier and happier. Therefore, aromatherapy candles are very appropriate to use in various situations when you want to build an atmosphere and need a mood booster, such as meditating, bathing, or gathering with loved ones.

2. Calming the Mind

Several types of aromatherapy candles with herbal and floral fragrances such as lavender, peppermint, and geranium have been proven to be very beneficial for treating various psychological and physiological disorders. Therefore, aromatherapy candles have long been popularly used by many people as a medium to overcome feelings of depression and anxiety disorders.

3. Relieve Symptoms of Stress

Aromatherapy candles can reduce the production of the hormone cortisol, or commonly known as the stress hormone. Consistently deep inhalation of aromatherapy candles can create a feeling of calm and relieve stress symptoms. Some aromatherapy candles are made specifically to stimulate the chemical activity in the brain that is in charge of producing the hormones serotonin and dopamine to evoke a positive mood.

4. Stimulates Memory

Certain types of aromas in aromatherapy candles are also helpful for stimulating brain memory, you know. According to research published by The Harvard Gazette, scent has a close relationship with emotions and Memory. That's why smelling a familiar pleasant smell can stimulate the limbic system, which is the part of the brain that holds memories, thereby eliciting warm emotions that have been felt.

5. Improve Sleep Quality

Did you know, since the 21st-century, aromatherapy candles are very popularly used to improve sleep quality at night? That's why aromatherapy candles are highly recommended for people who often experience insomnia or sleep disorders. Lack of sleep and rest at night can increase the risk of various dangerous diseases, such as diabetes, stroke, cancer, obesity, and mental health problems such as depression and excessive anxiety.

Those are some of the benefits of using aromatherapy candles for health. Although it looks straightforward, who would have thought, it turns out that the use of aromatherapy candles has many positive impacts that can improve the quality of your life.